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Mindfulness Conservation
Learn more about how mindfulness practices can make a difference in sustainability.

Learn More About Me
Elyssa Dixon, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher
My mindfulness practice has profoundly changed my life. I experienced some level of anxiety and depression for almost as long as I can remember but didn’t know how to name my feelings or accept them. I now bring my experience working as a civil engineer into my passion to help others succeed. I understand what it means to be driven in your career and to want to make a difference while managing your interests outside of work. I believe that we are all capable of finding our passions and balancing our lives but can do so most effectively by first grounding ourselves. I have developed and presented leadership trainings focused on personal development utilizing my unique understanding of the consulting world coupled with mindfulness. Any relationship can be made better simply by learning mindfulness skills.
I am a meditation and mindfulness teacher and an avid consumer of positive psychology, personal growth, leadership, and mindfulness courses, books, and research. Let me help you on your mindfulness journey today!

Virtual Meditations
Mindful Morning
Weekdays, 8:30 am PST
Weekends, 9:00 am PST
Approximately 15 minutes
Meditation For Engineers
Wednesdays, 9:00 am PST
Approximately 15 minutes
Donations are appreciated to maintain these
free programs for our community
Weekend Winddown
Sundays, 8:00 pm PST
Approximately 30 minutes

“Happiness is letting go of what you think life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is."
- Mandy Hale
Elyssa has brought a measure of peace to so many people during these crazy times. I'm so grateful for her morning meditations, for the chance to reflect and focus, and for the way she is making the world a better place!
I have heard the benefits of mindfulness, and Elyssa has been a helpful tool for me as her methods are grounded and approachable. Both mindful mornings and the workshops have been a helpful resource in guiding my path.
I am so glad and appreciative to have Elyssa lead me through mindfulness mediations; she leads in a professional manner and always open to any suggestions. It is a highlight of my week to turn to intentional time to decompress and focus on intentional breathing. This is one way I can re-center when life and work get hectic. Elyssa brings much calmness and reminds me to be relaxed which is priceless.
"Elyssa is dedicated to inviting others to experience the benefits of mindfulness. The gentle reminder to breathe and be aware was just what I needed."